LumiCenter/Getting to Know Analytics

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Getting to Know Analytics


This tutorial will go over some information regarding Analytics.


  • Knowledge about Analytics

Step by Step Instructions

1. Analytics refer to Detection tools. The Detection tools allow you to analyze the video and audio stream and use the analysis results to trigger some events or realize certain functions. They have an algorithm or a set of algorithms so as to understand what is happening in the video stream.

2. Detection tool levels

  • Detection tools: the set of algorithms that do the analysis of the stream. Responsible for analyzing what is happening in the video stream and record the data in the database.
  • Detection sub-tools: a detection tool that processes the data received from the parent analytic tool

3. Prerequisites

  • The add-ons should be installed: FR add-on, tracker add-on, etc
  • License
  • User has the permission to configure the Detection tool

4. Detection tools include motion detection, neurotracker, privacy masking, object tracker, etc. Detection sub-tools include line crossing, loitering in area, stop in area, motion in area, etc.

5. Category: Service include detection tools of audio loss, noise detection, signal detection and tampering detection. However, this category doesn't have any sub-tools.

6. Category: face include face detection while sub-tools include line crossing, loitering in area, entrance in area, and masks detection. Category: Vehicle include license plate recognition BRS, license plate recognition IV, license ploate recognition R, etc while sub-tools include line crossing, loitering in area, stop in area, etc.

7. Category: Poses include person-based privacy masking and pose detection. The sub-tool of pose detection includes sitting person detection, person down detection, hands up detection, handrail holding detection, etc.

8. Category: production safety includes audio analytics detection VI, fire detection, glow detector, equipment detection (PPE), and Object persence detection. The sub-tools for equipment detection and PPE detection VL include line crossing, loitering in area, stop in area, etc.

9. Category: Retail includes barcode detection, neurocounter, queue detection, visitor counter, crowd estimation VA. The sub-tool for barcode detection only include line crossing, loitering in area, stop in area, etc.